Rachel Meneguello
Full Professor, Department of Political Science, State University of Campinas. His published books and articles are the result of research on political parties, political behavior, and studies of democracy. She has been a Scientific Editor of OPINÃO PÚBLICA magazine since 1993, was a Member of CA / Ciencia Política_CNPQ (2011-2014); Member of the CAPES Evaluation Committee in the area of Political Science and International Relations (2005-2007 / 2008-2009); Secretary_adjunta of the Brazilian Association of Political Science (2012-2014) and Member of its Board of Directors in 2004-2006, 2006-2008 and 2014-2016; was a member of the Board of Directors of ALACIP - Asociación Latinoamericana de C.Politica (2006-2008,2008-2010) and Visiting Professor of Univ. Texas / Austin (2007). She is Researcher 1B of CNPq, Member of the Planning Committee of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (Univ.Michigan) and the Advisory Board of the Americas Barometer (Univ.Vanderbilt). She held the position of Pro-Rector of Post-Graduation at UNICAMP (2014-2017). He is currently a member of the Advisory Committee of the Political Science area of CNPq (2017-2020).