About this subject area

It brings together research that aims to analyze the organization and functioning of representative politics in Brazil.


Rachel Meneguello


10/2018 – 09/2023


FAPESP 2018/ 02738-0

The objective of this project is to analyze the quality and functioning of the Brazilian democratic system focusing on two of its main dimensions. The first concerns political representation, with an emphasis on electoral institutions and the organization of interests. The project aims to investigate the effectiveness of the representative system in its ability to integrate citizens and their demands into the political system, with an emphasis on elections and aspects of the electoral system. It will also investigate the dynamics of the organization of interests, parties and political movements, in order to understand the characteristics of our party system and the effects of the recent transformations of the terrain of representative democracy, where the politics of contestation, populist phenomena and the intervention of new technologies constitute active subjects of the political dynamics. The second dimension concerns the mechanisms of control and control of the abuse of power and the perception of corruption by the population. These mechanisms ensure the means of effecting citizens' sovereignty beyond the principle of political representation, involving different mechanisms of checks and balances, and especially institutions of the so-called Integrity System, and make up the framework of horizontal accountability mechanisms that are seen as a requirement of the quality of democracy. The project will investigate values ​​and attitudes that guide the agents of the System. Regarding the population's perception of corruption, the project will investigate the values ​​and beliefs that appear associated with the public perception about anti-corruption procedures and, therefore, the effect of the recent developments of the Integrity System action in this area. In methodological terms, the project will be developed through empirical research, and its objectives will be achieved through the production and analysis of individual-level data obtained in surveys by sampling: a probabilistic survey with the national population, and a sample survey with Integrity System that includes appropriate procedures for the study of values, attitudes, and behaviors by the Q Method. The project will also collect institutional data from the Integrity System, institutional and partisan electoral data, as well as material on political campaigns.
