2) Research field – Studies on democracy and political behavior

Political Representation, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity: Conditions, Obstacles and Perspectives in Brazil

Project current status: Concluded


Rachel Meneguello


On through

Funding agencies

ONU/UNIFEM (Fundo de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas para Mulher)


Present a diagnosis on the participation of women in the electoral processes of 2006 and 2010, considering obstacles and advancements that may contribute to the promotion of women in positions of political decision-making. The research implements race, ethnicity, and class perspectives, in order to identify how gender political inequality is related to other forms of social and cultural inequalities.

Project team

Rachel Meneguello


Bruno Wilhelm Speck


Teresa Sadek

Depto. Ciência Política


Maira K. T. Mano

Doutorado/ IFCH/ UNICAMP

Caroline G. Marques Araújo

Graduação/ Ciências Sociais/ IFCH/ UNICAMP

Fernando Henrique dos Santos

Graduação/ Ciências Sociais/ IFCH/ UNICAMP

Stefano S. Amancio

Graduação/ Ciências Sociais/ IFCH/ UNICAMP

Rafhael de Souza Silveira

Graduação/ Ciências Sociais/ IFCH/ UNICAMP

Laís Helena Cardoso