About this subject area

Studies on political and social behavior, values, and attitudes of specific groups and Brazilian society in general; studies on democracy and democratic ascension; media studies and consumption patterns of cultural goods. Methodological studies of evaluation and development of survey techniques: questionnaires, samples, data analysis, linked to academic projects of faculty members and/or academic subjects.


Oswaldo M. E. do Amaral


08/2017 – 08/2019


CNPq - Edital Universal - Proc. 47642/2003-4

Studies on political parties in Brazil have made significant strides over the past years. However, there are still gaps to be filled regarding the internal organization of parties and their relations to the strategies in the governing and electoral arenas. This project has two central objectives: (a) to construct a novel dataset of those who held positions in the national, state, and municipal party administration of Brazilian political parties between 1996 and 2015; and (b) to analyze these data from three perspectives: the organizational, electoral, and governmental perspectives. To do so, we will employ qualitative and quantitative approaches, combining information from distinct databases. We intend to elaborate an integrated analysis of political parties and of the representative system in Brazil in the last twenty years and provide new empirical elements for further studies in the area. The project is located at the Center for Studies on Public Opinion - CESOP/UNICAMP and will rely on the expertise of three professors from two universities, four postgraduate students, and an external consultant.
