Developed projects

About this subject area

Collect, organize, and promote sampling research encompassing a multiplicity of topics including behaviors, attitudes, and opinions. This line supports the National Archive of Public Opinion Research of the CESOP, composed of 4000 surveys, from both academic and private survey companies (IBOPE, DATAFOLHA, VOX POPULI, CNI, FPA, and DATASENADO), catalogued, organized, and made available.


Rachel Meneguello


03/2010 – 04/2010


Projeto sem recursos

The goal of this evaluation research undertaken by the faculty members of Unicamp is to subsidize the institutional evaluation process of the General Coordination Center of Unicamp. The aim of this research was to identify the opinion of faculty members about the appropriation of working conditions available for teaching, research and extension, according to their perceptions about a) the general processes of university functioning, b) the conditions of teaching activities of Graduation and Postgraduation and at Technical Schools (c) the conditions for the development of the research and (d) the conditions for the development of the extension activities. Information was also collected on the involvement of faculty members in the representative and administrative activities of the university, as well as their opinions regarding the services and collective spaces offered to the university community. Finally, observations were made regarding the positive and negative perceived aspects in the university functioning.