2) Research field – Studies on democracy and political behavior
Media, Society, and Politics: Brazilian TV and Patterns of Social and Political Behavior from the 1950s to the 2000s
Project current status: Concluded
Rachel Meneguello
On through
CNPq - Edital Universal - Proc. 47642/2003-4
The project mapped the introduction of TV to the dynamics of access to cultural information and political information by the populations of large Brazilian urban centers since the 1950s, based on the IBOPE-Media / AEL-UNICAMP Collection. Its goals were: 1. to produce a general reflection on the pattern of access to cultural goods produced by television media from the 1950s onwards, based on data from the populations of large urban centers; 2. to produce a reflection on the impact of TV in political-electoral development on the process of integration between the political system and the television system in contemporary Brazil, based on data about access to and the audiences of political-electoral programs since 1970; 3. to map the audience of television productions (programs) in the period 1955 to 2000 based on the Audience Reports of Television Programs produced by IBOPE; 4. to assess the impact of the use of television specifically in the electoral scenario on the voting process and the formation of political preferences in the period from 1970 to 2000.
Project team
Rachel Meneguello
Fabíola Brigante Del Porto
Rosilene Sydney Gelape
Vitor Luiz Cooke Vieira
Vera Michalany Chaia
Rogério Augusto Schmitt
Escola de Sociologia e Política