About Archives
The CESOP is an interdisciplinary research center at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Founded in 1992, the CESOP established as one of its main objectives the rescue, organization, and storage of sample studies performed in the field of social and political behavior.
The CESOP Archive belongs to the Latin American Databank, coordinated by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at the University of Connecticut, USA. The agreement with the Roper Center grants researchers access to the data.
The archives of the CESOP Collection are used by researchers in general and undergraduate (graduação) and graduate (pós-graduação) students. Between 2007 and 2012, 1935 researchers from Brazil and other countries utilized the data for the development of articles, dissertations, and theses.
The Center is the depositary of sample surveys provided by researchers and public opinion survey companies, and it affords the public free access to datasets and research papers.
The data are available in SPSS format. The documentation—questionnaires and technical references—are in WORD and/or PDF format. Searches can be carried out through keywords, by date, and/or by the institute or company that performed the research.
Some research companies and institutions that grant access to their data via the CESOP Archive include: IBOPE, DATAFOLHA, CRITERIUM, Fundação Perseu Abramo, CNI, DATASENADO, IDESP.
Contact: Email - cesopsit@unicamp.br
Phone: (55) 19 3521.1711