About Public Opinion journal

Focus and Scope

Opinião Pública publishes scientific articles by Brazilian and foreign researchers on theory and methodology in public opinion, social and political behavior, political culture and democracy, media studies, elections and political representation, which base their themes or hypotheses on theoretical frameworks and on empirical, quantitative, qualitative or documentary research data presented in a way that supports the results and conclusions.

Brief Background

Created in 1993, Opinião Pública is an open and free access academic journal from the Center for Studies on Public Opinion (Cesop) at Unicamp, an interdisciplinary research center established in 1992. Its mission is aligned with the objectives of Cesop, which is the development of scientific research in the area of political and social behavior through the promotion of combined teaching, research and human resources training initiatives, as well as the organization and provision of research bases and materials in these areas.

Established to stimulate and consolidate national production in the areas of political and social behavior, Opinião Pública has the permanent mission of promoting a better understanding of contemporary changes in politics and their impacts on individuals and the ways in which society organizes and acts, disseminating the efforts of reflection produced by the relationship between theory and research. Its operation is guided by regulations approved by the Superior Council of Cesop. Throughout its history, Opinião Pública has consolidated itself as a reference not only in the national academic community, but also in Latin America.

Open Science Compliance

Opinião Pública is committed to Open Science communication practices, such as open access; acceptance of preprints as the beginning of the article production flow; sharing of analysis data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials, made available in open online repositories and/or on the journal's own website; transparency and gradual opening of the manuscript evaluation process; public dissemination of research and interoperability with the global flow of scientific information and knowledge.

All published content is available at no cost to the user or his/her institution. Users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles without prior permission from the publisher or author.

There are also no costs for submitting and processing articles for authors. All manuscripts submitted to Opinião Pública must be unpublished, except those made available in preprint repositories, and cannot be simultaneously submitted for evaluation by other journals. Manuscripts published in the proceedings of scientific events and on personal profiles on academic platforms are also considered unpublished.

The use of preprints as an option for the author implies that, when submitting the article to Opinião Pública, he/she must inform whether the manuscript is deposited on a preprint server, as well as its name and URL.

Opinião Pública accepts preprints archived in the following servers: SciELO Preprints, Social Science Research Network and Research Gate. Other repositories may be considered upon analysis and approval by the Editorial Board.

Ethics in Publication

Opinião Pública supports the codes of scientific conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (http://www.publicationethics.org/), the principles of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (https://doaj.org/about/#our-mission) as well as the guidelines of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (http://www.cnpq.br/web/guest/diretrizes) and the manual of good practices of the São Paulo Research Foundation (http://www.fapesp.br/boaspraticas/).

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted for publication in Opinião Pública that comply with the editorial standards undergo an initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee, which verifies the adequacy of the contributions to the thematic scope and analytical and editorial criteria of the journal. Once approved in the pre-selection, publication in Opinião Pública is subject to the review process by peer reviewers.

The review process involves at least two researchers with doctorates and experts in the field of study. When invited to review an article, reviewers are asked to respond if there is a conflict of interest with respect to the authors and the research. The review of the article may: a) recommend its publication; b) recommend publication with changes; c) reject publication or d) reject publication but suggest resubmission. Decisions regarding the publication of articles are the responsibility of the journal editors, based on expert review. A third reviewer is regularly called upon whenever the results of the review are disparate. In cases of greater impasse, we call upon members of the Editorial Board for additional evaluation, highlighting that the members of the Board also act as reviewers.

Three peer review formats are adopted by the journal: 1. Doubly anonymous review, in which neither reviewers nor authors know each other's identities; 2. Single-anonymous review, in which authors are known, but reviewers remain anonymous; 3. Open peer review, in which both authors and reviewers know each other's identities.

At the time of submission, authors will be asked whether or not they wish to waive their anonymity, just as reviewers will be asked, at the time of accepting to carry out the evaluation, whether or not they wish to waive their anonymity.

In the case of articles originating from preprint servers, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the author and, therefore, the evaluation process can be simple-anonymous or open.

Open Data

If the article is approved for publication, the author must share databases, codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from the research presented in the published article, which will be made available on the Opinião Pública website, or the author must indicate the repository where his/her data and materials are deposited.


Opinião Pública does not charge fees for submission, evaluation and publication of articles.


Authors of articles published by Opinião Pública retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 license, which allows the articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. Authors grant Opinião Pública the right of first publication.

Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

All content on Opinião Pública, except where otherwise specified, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 license.

The data, opinions and concepts expressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographical references, are the sole responsibility of the author.

Authors may self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publish them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, post them on their personal social media, and even enter into additional contracts separately (e.g., publishing the article as a book chapter) as long as the full citation to the journal website version is included.

Sponsors and Promotion Agencies

Opinião Pública receives support from the following organizations:

Fund to Support Teaching, Research and Extension (Faepex), State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Scientific Publications Support Program of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI).

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).



E-mail: rop@unicamp.br
Telephone: (55) 19 3521-1712