About Public Opinion journal

Opinião Pública is an open access academic journal, and all content is available free of charge at no cost to the user or their institution. Users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or create links to the full texts of articles without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author. Opinião Pública publishes articles about theory and methodology in public opinion, social and political behavior, political culture and democracy, media studies, elections, and political representation. It was established in 1993 by the CESOP - Center for Studies on Public Opinion of the University of Campinas and in addition to the subjects of the international contemporary political science, Opinião Pública publishes the issues of the social sciences according to its specific methods and methodologies. Opinião Pública is ranked by Qualis/Capes as scientific journal in stratum A1.

Opinião Pública publishes articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English languages, and accepts articles throughout the year, in a continuous flow system. The articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board and strictly forwarded to anonymous peer review. There are no fees for article submission, evaluation and processing.


License and Copyright

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

This license allows anybody to copy and redistribute published material, in any medium or format, for any purpose, including commercial purposes, as long as the authorship and original source are recognized (Revista Opinião Pública).

By submitting their articles, authors agree to the editorial policy adopted by Opinião Pública and to assign copyright to Cesop / Unicamp.


E-mail: rop@unicamp.br
Telephone: (55) 19 3521-1712