Instructions for sending contributions to Public Opinion

Opinião Pública publishes scientific articles on theory and methodology in public opinion, social and political behavior, political culture and democracy, media studies, elections, and political representation, articles which base their themes or hypotheses on theoretical frameworks and on empirical, quantitative, qualitative, or documentary research data in order to generate findings and support conclusions.

All articles submitted to the Opinião Pública must be unpublished and may not have been submitted for review by other publications. Unpublished articles include those not published in whole or in part in journals, books or on websites. Articles published in proceedings on academic events, in personal profiles on academic platforms or in preprint platforms (Scielo (, Social Science Research Network ( and ResearchGate ( are also regarded as unpublished. During the evaluation process, the original article and any revised versions thereof are screened by means of plagiarism detection software.

Decisions regarding the publication of articles belong to the journal's editors, by way of review by specialists. The evaluation may: a) recommend an article’s publication; b) recommend publication subject to the reviewers' suggestions; or c) reject its publication.

Positions and concepts emitted in signed articles are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not express the opinion of the Editorial Board or of the Cesop.

There is no charge for articles submission, evaluation and processing.

Opinião Pública supports the codes of conduct of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, as well as the guidelines of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico ( and the manual for good practice in Science published by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Opinião Pública publishes original articles written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Articles must be submitted (in .doc format) exclusively through Scielo / ScholarOne's online submission system: They cannot be subjected to any other vehicle at the same time.

Publication in the Opinião Pública is conditioned to the anonymous expert review process (double anonymity, in which neither reviewers nor authors know their identities). Articles from the preprint server have known authorship in the evaluation process, but reviewers are kept anonymous (anonymous peer review). If the article is approved for publication, the author must share databases, codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from the research presented in the published article, which will be made available on the Opinião Pública website, or the author must indicate the repository where his data and materials are deposited.

The article should have between 7.000 and 14.000 words, including images, notes and references. The submitted article must include abstract of a maximum of 900 characters, which contains the research question and goals of the article, the methodological approach used, and the findings, as well as the implications and originality of the study. The abstract has a specific field to be filled in on the submission platform. Articles submitted with abstracts cut due to exceeding the number of characters allowed will be returned. The title of the article must have a maximum of 20 words, and be presented in four languages, as well as the five keywords that identify its content. Tables, maps, charts, graphs, etc. must be placed in the appropriate position in the text, in .jpg (300 to 500 dpi) format, with title, caption, and source. If the paper is accepted for publication, these figures must be submitted in their original format so they can be edited.

Authors cited must appear in the text and should be referred to as follows: (Author´s last name, date) or (Author´s last name, date, page number). E.g.: (Souza, 1976) or (Souza, 1976, p. 64). Different titles by the same author published during the same year should be identified by a letter after the date. E.g.: (Almeida, 1989a), (Almeida, 1989b).

The bibliography that is used must be presented at the end of the article, with authors listed in alphabetical order and in accordance to the ABNT norms as illustrated in the following examples. Note not only the order of the elements, but also to the kinds of sources and the punctuation conventions used in each citation.

Book: Author´s last name in small capitals, First name (initials). Title in italics: subtitle without italics. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: name of Publisher, year.

Anthology: Author´s last name in small capitals, First name (initials). Title of essay. In: Author´s last name in small capitals, First name (initials) of editors. Anthology title in italics: subtitle. Number of edition (if not the first). Place of publication: name of Publisher, year.

Journal articles: Author´s last name in small capitals, First name (initials). Title of article in quotation marks. Journal name in italics, place of publication, volume and issue, pages covered, date or period of publication, year.

Dissertations and PhD theses: Author´s last name in small capitals, First name (initials). Title in quotation marks. Place. Total number of pages. Academic level and area of studies: Master's thesis or Doctorate's Dissertation. Academic institution, year.

Internet (electronic documents): Author´s last name in small capitals, First name (initials). Title in italics, [Online]. Producer, date. Available at: < >. Access: day month, year (E.g.: 5 jan. 2012).

Work presented at an event: Last name in small capitals, Name (abbreviated). Title of the work presented in quotation marks. In: Proceedings of the event (number and title, if any), city of the event, document pages (if any), date of publication.

The titles of the article’s sections should be formatted in bold and its subsections in italics.

The sections and subsections of the article should not be numbered. If there are quotes and/or references to sections of the article itself throughout the text, refer to the section title. E.g.: As discussed in the section "Opinions and Attitudes about Democracy...".

Whenever there is a reference to the article itself, the word "article," and not the words "paper," "work," "study," etc., should be used in the text.

The titles and sources of the tables should be complete (when they are "self-produced," indicate the data on which they are based. E.g.: Self-produced based on TSE data).

The titles and sources must not be embedded in the charts and graphs.

Symbols such as "%" and others should be removed from the inside of the tables and graphs and, when applicable, presented together with their respective titles.

Ex.: Table 1
Title: Frequency of variables indicative of "steals, but gets things done" (%)
We ask that attention be paid to the spelling of proper nouns and dates of publications cited in the text and in the references to minimize dubiety.

Opinião Pública's staff will review typographical errors, orthography, grammar, spelling of proper nouns, acronyms, dates of publication in the bibliographical references in the body of the text and in references at the end of the article; however, the more careful authors are with all these aspects, the less likely it is that errors will appear in the published version.